This is one of the books of the Sri Dasam Granth written by Guru Gobind Singh ; Translated by Pritpal Singh Bindra
Published by B. Chattar Singh Jiwan Singh in 2002, this is a two volume set with each book measuring 6"x9" and nearly 400 pages. It does not include the original Gurbani.
The Chritropakhyaan is part of the Sri Dasam Granth which remains shrouded in mystery and controversy. As Pritpal Singh writing in his forward:
" In the pages to follow I have endeavored to present truthfully what is contained in Chritropakhyaan a part of Sri Dasam Granth. I do not wish to enter into he historicity and naming of the Granth. I leave it entirely to the judgement of the readers to ascertain whether such language and such stories could emanate through the mind and the pen of Guru Gobind Singh who has endowed us a unique code of living a moral and courageous life."